

Scientific Researcher and FOSS contributor

svaksha 有 0 名赞助者。


Namaste! I am a scientific computing researcher who has published papers, spoken at conferences and is an active FOSS contributor with interests in computational science, ML and life sciences.


svaksha 持有其他平台上的下列账号:


Julia.jl 星标数 1403 5个月前 更新

Curated decibans of Julia programming language.

pythonidae 星标数 936 10个月前 更新

Curated decibans of scientific programming resources in Python.

diversity-index 星标数 68 3年前 更新

A curated Diversity-Index of grants, scholarships and FA that encourages diversity in STEM fields aimed at half the world's population, Women!

jna 星标数 3 3年前 更新

Conference talks, workshop presentations & slides, Jupyter notebooks...

yaksha 星标数 9 3年前 更新

Personal linux automation for ansible playbooks, dockerfiles, dotfiles, scripts and random daemons!

aksh 星标数 41 7年前 更新

My personal bibliography of STEM resources and grey literature.

pyladies-dojo 星标数 3 10年前 更新

Pyladies-BLR hacking on all things Python.

PyData-Workshop-Sprint 星标数 5 11年前 更新

PyData Workshop-Sprint 2012 at NYC


svaksha 在 5年前 加入。

每周收入 (欧元)
