
Soumyadeep Ghosh

Namaskar World. Welcome to liberapay profile!

soumyadghosh 的目标是每周收到 US$2.50 的捐款。
捐赠   PayPal


Namaskar World. Welcome to liberapay profile! I am Soumyadeep Ghosh from Bengal, India; a FOSS enthusiast and contributor. My Open Source contributions started with Snaps. I am currently a 2nd Year undergrad student of CSE.

Members at

Journey as an Open Source contributor

  1. The first app that I was able to snap is Parabolic.
  2. Till date I maintain 38 snaps. 2
  3. Contributed to Remmina, gnome-sdk, Brave Browser, MPV and many other snaps.

  4. Contributed to snapcraft, core-base


soumyadghosh 持有其他平台上的下列账号:


upscaler-snap 星标数 0 本周更新

newsflash-snap 星标数 3 2个月前 更新

This repo contains the snap package for newsflash

snapcraft (分支) 星标数 0 3个月前 更新

Package, distribute, and update any app for Linux and IoT.

app-center (分支) 星标数 0 3个月前 更新

App Store for Ubuntu made with Flutter 🧡 💙

gnome-sdk (分支) 星标数 0 4个月前 更新

GNOME SDK/Platform snap


soumyadghosh 在 3个月前 加入。

每周收入 (美元)
