
Evandro Coan

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I spend my time programming for a broad range of open-source projects. My first big project was in 2014 at the alliedmodders forum, maintaining and developing further the galileo mapchooser and addons zz's multimod plugins for Counter-Strike, Half-Life, Sven Co-op, and others.

Later on (2016-today), after helping in the Sublime Text forum, I started creating an integrated toolset environment, aiming to be a development environment to work with any programming language. This ITE is what use today to program in any language like C++, Python, Typescript, Java, HTML, CSS, etc.

In 2020, I also started contributing to the anki flashcards software with some pull-requests and helping on its support forum.


evandrocoan 持有其他平台上的下列账号:


dotfiles 星标数 6 2周前 更新

My linux configurations (or Dotfiles) used on Mint XFCE 19.1, Ubuntu and Cygwin

ITE 星标数 30 3个月前 更新

An Integrated Toolset Environment over the Sublime Text editor aiming to develop on any programming language

StudioChannel 星标数 2 3个月前 更新

Sublime Text Studio channel for for Package Control

channelmanager 星标数 3 3个月前 更新

Manages packages installed as git submodules

debugtools 星标数 2 3个月前 更新

Alternate simplified logging support and general utilities functions, see its API at: https://evandrocoan.github.io/debugtools/html/annotated.html

batch_scripts 星标数 1 7个月前 更新

Contains some useful script utilities I use somewhere

EposAsynchronousCriticalSections 星标数 2 1年前 更新

The main objective of this work is the implementation of a synchronization algorithm with support for critical asynchronous sections

User 星标数 1 2年前 更新

My Sublime Text Setting's User folder

AmxxChannel 星标数 2 2年前 更新

Sublime Text Amxx channel for for Package Control

ToggleSettingsInBatch 星标数 2 2年前 更新

Allow you to create your own keybindings which change view, window or global settings

AmxxEditor 星标数 8 2年前 更新

Auto-complete and Build System for Amx Mod X on Sublime Text

ufscthesisx-setup 星标数 2 2年前 更新

Pacote de normas ABNT trabalhos acadêmicos Biblioteca Universitário da UFSC: https://github.com/UFSC/ufscthesisx

ufscthesisx-light 星标数 1 2年前 更新

Modelo light de trabalhos acadêmico da Biblioteca Universitária UFSC

MultiModServer 星标数 17 2年前 更新

It is a Multi-Mod plugin's configurations for Amx Mod X - https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=273018

ViewSettingsFreely 星标数 1 3年前 更新

Put Sublime Text on Free Distraction Mode when editing Sublime Text settings

SQLKeywordUppercase 星标数 1 3年前 更新

Automatically set all SQL keywords to upper case after the space keystroke

SkipCloseForClonedViews 星标数 1 3年前 更新

Skip save (ask) when closing a cloned view

SelectAllSpellingErrors 星标数 1 3年前 更新

Select All Spelling Errors Command for Sublime Text

RichPlainText 星标数 1 3年前 更新

A basic and on initial development syntax and tmPreferences for Sublime Text

RememberCommandPaletteInput 星标数 8 3年前 更新

Some fixes for the Sublime Text command palette


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