
Dick Davis

Passionate about building products that benefit humanity.

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Howdy! I'm Dick Davis, a developer out of the Nashville, TN area. I am a software engineer who enjoys working on challenging and ambitious projects that create shared value for businesses, customers, and the public.

By day, I work on various open-source components of the VA.gov ecosystem, improving the digital service offering our nation provides to its military veterans. By night, I am building a platform that assists everyday people in optimizing their behavior. I also maintain several open-source Ruby libraries and write about technology, business, and life on my blog (https://dick.codes).

Your donations will help fund my open-source contributions and blogging, and I appreciate any level of support!


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event_logger_rails 星标数 3 1个月前 更新

Rails gem weaving the fabric of logged events into tapestries for analytic reverie.

anthropic-rb 星标数 7 3个月前 更新

Bindings for the Anthropic API

anthropic-rb-cookbook 星标数 1 4个月前 更新

A collection of recipes for integrating with Claude via the anthropic-rb gem


dickdavis 在 4个月前 加入。

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