
Hans-Jörg Meyer

Frankly, I just want to know if my work has any value to you.

Osrandil 每周收到 €0.00 捐款,来自 0 名赞助者。
捐赠   PayPal


Developing a roguelike has been on my mind since my childhood. Working on Aitazan allows me to gain experience working on a larger JavaScript project and to implement interesting algorithms and ideas without relying on infamous programmert art.

So let me reassure everyone who enjoys the game without paying, that there is definitely no reason to pay me for the work I am doing. If you play and don't pay: Don't feel bad about it. If you want to donate but can't decide about the amount, choose the lowest possible.

I use Liberapay for mainly two reasons:

  1. Additional motivation
  2. Learning about the people who are willing to pay anything for Aitazan


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Osrandil 在 5年前 加入。

每周收入 (欧元)
