
Alejandro Sanchez

Free Software developer

HiPhish 有 0 名赞助者。


If there is something I want and it doesn't exist, I will make it exist! At least that's what I would like to do, and I have been doing it for years now. If you like the software I have written and found it useful, I would very much appreciate a small tip :)


HiPhish 持有其他平台上的下列账号:


awk-ward.nvim 星标数 24 4个月前 更新

Mirror of https://gitlab.com/HiPhish/awk-ward.nvim

info.vim 星标数 37 4个月前 更新

Browse info files from Vim (mirror)

Game-Source-Documentation 星标数 18 4年前 更新

jinja.vim 星标数 18 4年前 更新

Filetype detection an syntax support for Jinja templates.

Wolf3DExtract 星标数 15 5年前 更新

Command-line tool for extracting assets from Wolfenstein 3D for PC

XeenTools 星标数 13 5年前 更新

Open-source library for resource files of the *Might & Magic: World of Xeen* games.

msgpack-racket 星标数 2 6年前 更新

msgpack.org[Racket] Mirror of the MessagePack implementation for Racket

guile-repl.nvim 星标数 7 7年前 更新

The GNU Guile REPL for Nvim

repl.nvim 星标数 5 7年前 更新

The universal, extendible and configurable REPL plugin

Newton-method 星标数 9 9年前 更新

Newton's method in C, using an arithmetic expression compiler and virtual machine


HiPhish 在 6年前 加入。

每周收入 (欧元)
